Stress can be positive and motivative. But if you don’t handle on your stress and becomes chronic, it can seriously interfere with your health.
What is chronic stress?
Stress is one of the body reactions to any kind of demand or threat. It causes the body to release hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones help prepare the body to react from dangers. And we call this survival mechanism as “fight-or-flight” reaction. However, our body always overreact to stressors that are not life threatening.
Chronic stress means that one is under stress so often. It can be caused by the prolonged pressures from family and work or traumatic events. Our body is unable to produce enough stress hormones and other resources to meet the energy demand. It affects virtually every system in the body, either directly or indirectly.
What are the impacts of chronic stress?
Chronic stress disrupts nearly every system in our body. Including our immune system, digestive system, and reproductive systems etc.
Cardiovascular health
Momentary stress such as a work deadline, over an argument with a friend can results in a heart rate increase and strong heart muscle contractions. The prolonged stress can cause long-term problems for heart and blood vessels. As the heart rate rise, levels of stress hormones and blood pressure also increases. It will higher the risk of getting heart diseases. In addition, stress increased the production of stomach acid, which could lead to heartburn or other health concerns.
Elevated cortisol suppresses our immune system by limiting the production of white blood cells. The lower level of white blood cells will delay our response to an infection and causes germs to exploit our weakened immune system.
Gastrointestinal health
Stress will limit the blood flow and oxygen to the stomach, which could cause inflammation, cramping or an imbalance of gut bacteria. Likewise, the “fight or flight” response decreases the blood flow to the digestive system, which inhibits the contraction of digestive muscles and digestive secretions. As a result, our digestive system shuts down effectively.
Musculoskeletal health
Muscles tense up when the body is stressed. It will then relax normally when the stress has gone. Chronic stress causes the muscles to be in a constant state of guardedness. Tensing the muscles for a long period of time may trigger other reactions of the body.
Respiratory health
For people with pre-existing respiratory disease, chronic stress can be associated with respiratory symptoms, such as rapid breathing and shortness of breath due to the constriction of the airway between nose and lungs.
What can our service do to relief chronic stress?
Our advance technology promotes the stabilization of the vegetative nervous system, which helps in state of chronic stress and burnout. Besides, other symptoms that was related to stress can also be relieved by hormonal balance and frequency modulation treatment.