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Bioresonance Therapy and Heart Disease

This article originally appeared on

The human body is a complex organism that consists of many parts, including organs, systems and tissue. All of these bodily parts need to be functioning at an BICOM optima®l level in order to keep the human body healthy, and when any part starts to malfunction, problems are sure to develop. The heart is an especially important organ that sits inside the chest. Live Science explains that the heart’s primary function is to pump blood thorough the blood circulatory system to all extends of the body, including toward other organs, to muscle tissue and more. The blood that is pumped toward these bodily parts contain both nutrients and oxygen, two essential factors that play a part in maintaining a healthy overall body.

Diseases That Affect The Heart

Heart disease is a term that is commonly used to refer to a range of different health ailments that affect the heart. These medical conditions are often also called cardiovascular diseases, and all have some negative impact on the heart’s ability to function normally. MedicineNet explains that some of the most common forms of heart disease known in the medical industry include coronary artery disease, also known as atherosclerotic heart disease, as well as valvular heart disease, cardiomyopathy, arrhythmias and heart infections. Some other issues can also be a sign or effect of heart diseases, such as a heart attack or an angina attack. These diseases affect the heart and the rest of the body differently and tend to vary in severity from one patient to another.

Symptoms Of Heart Disease

Since a variety of diseases can affect the heart, it is difficult to provide a complete list of symptoms that heart diseases may cause. There are, however, some general symptoms that may provide an obvious indication that something is wrong with a particular patient’s heart health. While there are some signs that should be looked out for, it should also be noted, at the same time, that there are times when heart disease does not cause any obvious symptoms. In some cases, heart disease may even cause symptoms that aren’t relevant to the chest area of the patient’s body; thus this may also often lead to a misdiagnosis.

According to WebMD, signs that should not be avoided include chest discomfort, heartburn, indigestion, nausea, stomach pain, chest pain spreading toward the arms, light-headedness, dizziness, jaw pain, throat pain, snoring, exhaustion, excessive sweating, constant cough, as well as swollen ankles, legs and feet. While these symptoms may be associated with other diseases as well, it is important to get them checked out, especially when multiple of these symptoms are experienced simultaneously.

Treatment Options For Heart Disease

Before heart diseases can be proper treatment, it is important for a patient to see a professional healthcare provider in order to get their symptoms checked out. Additional tests may often be required in order to pinpoint a specific type of heart disease and if heart disease is, in fact, to blame in the particular situation. Thus, an official diagnosis is the first step to treating heart disease. Mayo Clinic explains that several tests may be performed, including an electrocardiogram, Holter monitoring, a stress test, an echocardiogram, a cardiac catheterization and a cardiac computerized tomography scan.

In most cases, lifestyle changes will be one of the first recommendations after a patient has been diagnosed with a type of heart disease. This will usually include a limitation on the patient’s alcohol intake, quitting smoking, eating a healthier diet and gaining more exercise. Additionally, medication is often also required to assist with rectifying the problem and, should the patient’s heart disease be in a severe state, a surgical procedure might be required in order to prolong the patient’s lifespan.

Bioresonance Therapy’s Function In The Treatment Of Heart Disease

Conventional medication and treatment options for heart disease have saved the lives of many people. Today, people are also seeking out alternative methods that can be used alongside the conventional options they are provided with, in order to experience a possible further relief of their symptoms and to improve their overall quality-of-life. Bioresonance therapy has offered many patients with heart disease a way of identifying potential stressors, sensitivities, intolerances and toxin build-ups that may be having an adverse effect on their heart health; thus allowing for proper counteractive measurements to be taken to eliminate such toxins and stressors, and avoid food and other substances that may be causing further issues with the patient’s well-being.


The heart has a vital function to serve in the human, ensuring all parts of the body gain access to an adequate supply of blood that is rich in both oxygen and nutrients. When the heart fails to perform adequately, numerous adverse effects may occur in a patient’s body. Some heart diseases are more common than others. Education about the most common symptoms that may signal heart disease can ensure early detection and treatment; thus reducing the severity of damage caused to the heart and rest of the body by such a disease. With the use of Bioresonance therapy, stressors, toxins and other negative factors can be identified and eliminated; thus providing an improvement in overall heart health and perhaps even relieving some symptoms that a patient may be experiencing.


Please see this article written for the February 2018 American Heart Month. Heart disease is a leading cause of death all around the world, that is killing more than 600,000 Americans every year.

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